The OnTrack Sales Simple Stages to CRM Success

We break up your onboarding into easy-to-follow stages designed to get you and your team using CRM in your live environment in weeks, not months.


Initial Orientation & System Setup


Learn About the Program

Set up & Configure CRM

 Learn CRM Fundamentals


  • Watch the Working with Data Video
  • Read the Data Guide
    • Best Practices (Excel)
    • Creating Data Import Templates
    • Uploading Data (Back End)
    • Bulk Updates of Records / Additional Imports
    • Sandboxes / Solutions
      • Data or no?
    • Troubleshooting Common Errors
  • Finalize Prep and Cleaning Your Data
  • Create Data Import Templates in D365
  • Upload Your Data to D365
  • Read Getting Started Guide
    • About the Program
    • Your Role
      • Be specific about who is responsible for objectives
      • Preparing Your Data
    • Where to find information / Activity Checklists
    • Weekly Topics
    • For More Personalized Assistance – Onboarding with Azamba
  • Watch Intro Video
  • Create a User List and Submit
    • Name, Email, Role
  • Acquire Your Licenses
  • Begin Preparing Your Data
  • Set Up & Configure Your Environment
  • Enable & Configure Outlook Integration


User Setup & Configuration


Navigate your System

Set up Security

Adjust CRM Settings


  • Review D365 Guide
    • Apps, Entities, Fields, Relationships, Views, Forms, Activities, Dashboards/Charts
  • Discuss Security Settings and Best Practices
  • Review Personalization Settings
  • Review Activity Checklist for Next Week: Preparing Your Data and Streamlining Your CRM
  • Watch the D365 Tour Video
    • Apps
    • Personalization Settings
    • Entities
    • Fields / Field Types
    • Entity Relationships
    • Views
    • Forms
    • Activities
    • Dashboards and Charts
  • View Security Overview Material
    • Business Units
    • Security Roles
    • Best Practices
  • Read User Security Guide
  • Edit Security Roles to Fit Your Unique Needs (if needed)
  • Assign Security Roles to All Users
  • Update Personalization Settings


Streamline CRM


Add & Remove Fields

Tweak List Views

Arrange Forms


  • Review Streamlining Material
    • Data Preparation, Editing Entities, Forms, Fields, Views
  • Review Activity Checklist for Next Week: Working with Data
  • Watch the Streamlining Guide Videos
    • Assembling and Using Your Data
    • Working with Solutions
    • Creating and Editing Step-by-Steps for:
      • Entities
      • Forms
      • Fields
      • Views
  • Edit Forms, Fields, and Views in CRM


Working with Data


Create a Sandbox Environment 

Prepare Data Import Templates

Upload Your Data


  • Review Working with Data Materials
    • Best Practices  
    • Data Import Templates  
    • Uploading Data  
    • Sandboxes and Solutions 
    • Errors 
  • Review Activity Checklist for Next Week: Preparing Your Team  
  • Watch the Working with Data Material
    • Best Practices (Excel)
    • Creating Data Import Templates
    • Uploading Data (Back End)
    • Bulk Updates of Records / Additional Imports
    • Sandboxes / Solutions
    • Troubleshooting Common Errors
  • Finalize Prep and Cleaning Your Data
  • Create Data Import Templates in D365
  • Upload Your Data to D365


Prepare your Team for Go-Live


Review Best Practices

Train your Team

Review Internally


  • Review Team Training and Go-Live
    • Documents
    • Reported Questions / Issues
    • Successes
  • Watch the Preparing Your Team Materials
  • Read the Team Training Guide
    • Setting expectations 
    • Scheduling for Successes 
    • Training Objectives 
    • Training Review – How to Assess Your Team’s Progress 
    • Troubleshooting Common Issues 
    • Encouraging Buy-In  
    • Gathering Feedback 
    • Go Live 
  • Train Your Team
    • Distribute Training Materials 
    • Complete Training Review 
    • Complete Training Review Document and Submit 
  • Go Live
    • Distribute Production Link to Your Team

Go Live


Launch Day & Beyond


Re-enforce Buy-in & Usage

Gather Feedback

Compile Wish-list


  • Review Go-Live
    • Reported Questions / Issues  
    • Successes  
  • Discuss Best Practices for Continued Development & Training
  • Read Best Practices for Managing Your CRM Guide
    • Encouraging Buy-In
    • Gathering Feedback
    • Best Practices for Updating CRM
    • Working with Solutions
    • Building Your Wish List
    • Finding Resources
  • Complete Go Live Review Document and Submit

Because we are consistently improving our cohort model, be aware that your exact checklist and agenda items may vary from whats shown.

Need help deciding if cohort Onboarding is right for you?

Click below to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts and get a quote!