Quickly Identify CRM Opportunities by Sharing the CRM Readiness Quiz with Your Customers

The CRM Readiness Quiz is Perfect for Sharing through Social Media, Emails, Blogs, & Newsletters

CRM Readiness Quiz Cover Page

Share Your Quiz to Start Identifying CRM Opportunities

It’s easy to start the CRM conversation with your customers and prospects.

The CRM Readiness Quiz is:

  • QUICK to set up
  • EASY to use and share
  • EFFECTIVE as ice-breaker and qualifier

You Get ALL the Leads Generated by Your Quiz

The CRM Readiness Quiz makes it easy for motivated prospects to come to you!

Plus, you get all the info your quiz collects to quickly and easily:

  • IDENTIFY CRM interest
  • QUALIFY CRM readiness
  • CONNECT for follow-ups
CRM Readiness Quiz CTA and Share Buttons

Offer your customers and prospects valuable insights into their growing business technology needs

Familiar, Positive Format Ensures Engagement and Enjoyment

Your customers feel seen, not judged.

The CRM Readiness Quiz helps your customers consider:

  • STRENGTHS to build on
  • WEAKNESSES to improve on
  • GOALS to aim for
CRM Readiness Quiz Questions
CRM Readiness Quiz Results Page

Quick Assessment Delivers Immediate Value

Your customers and prospects get more than just a score!

The CRM Readiness Quiz also offers:

  • POSITIVE reinforcement
  • VALUABLE insights into their business
  • ACTIONABLE next steps for improvement

Get Started in 3 Simple Steps

1. Request Your Quiz

  • UNIQUE: Your quiz and all results are uniquely tied to you
  • PERSONAL: All we need is a head shot and your preferred email address
  • QUICK: Get started with our default quiz in just one business day!

2. Share Your Quiz

  • SIMPLE: We send you your unique quiz URL with templates for email and social media sharing
  • EASY: Copy/paste using our pre-built templates, or customize your own message and send it to your customers

3. Contact Your Leads

  • EXCLUSIVE: All lead information collected by your quiz goes to you
  • EFFECTIVE: You get contact info, lead strength, and info on existing tech investments and current pain points for everyone who completes your quiz

Frequently Asked Questions

Who gets the leads?

You do. All lead information from your quiz is uniquely tied to you, and we will send that information only to you.

Who follows up?

You do unless you prefer otherwise.

Some partners prefer to send CRM prospects directly to Azamba, and we can certainly work that way! But partners who pre-qualify CRM leads and/or send a personalized introduction to bring in Azamba tend to see better conversion rates.

How do we get started?

Just schedule a short call to discuss your needs–we’ll build your quiz and have you ready to go in 1-2 business days!

Who owns the customer?

You do. All lead information from your quiz is uniquely tied to you, which means you own that customer or prospect relationship and can choose whether/when to bring us in to discuss CRM.

Will Azamba market to my customers?

Only with your permission.

These are your customers and prospects, and by default we will not contact them unless asked to.

If you would like us to add them to our own CRM marketing campaigns, just let us know! They will still be tracked as your customers, and any deals resulting from our outreach will still be yours.