How to Create a Dynamics 365 Follow-up Task from an Outlook Email

by | Microsoft Dynamics 365

How to Create a Dynamics 365 Follow-up Task from an Outlook Email

by | Jan 23, 2020 | Microsoft Dynamics 365

Never fail to follow up!

Have you ever found it difficult keeping track of who has (and hasn’t) responded to your emails?

Most of us have. Fortunately, there’s a very simple trick that will ensure you won’t lose track of those email chains again!

With the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, you can create a CRM task to remind you on a certain date in the future to follow up with the contact you are emailing.

And you can do it without ever leaving Outlook!

In this edition of Microsoft Dynamics Secrets, you will learn how to create a task activity in Dynamics 365 from your Outlook email with just a few simple steps.

Create a CRM task from Outlook

1. From email, open the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook:

2. Click on the ellipses (…) at the top right of the Dynamics 365 App pane (highlighted in image above) and select Quick Create Menu:

3. Select Activities, then Task:

4. Enter task details, then click Save and Close:

The task will now appear in both Dynamics 365 and in Outlook, and is set to trigger a reminder from Outlook on the scheduled date and time.

In Dynamics 365:

In Outlook:

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Eric Anderson is the director of the Dynamics 365 practice at Azamba.

With a combined 19 years of experience as a controller, ERP consultant, professional services manager, and CRM evangelist, he strives to deliver the best-fitting solution to each company he has the pleasure to engage with.

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