A Super Simple Way to Speed up your Credit Application Process inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales CRM

by | Microsoft Dynamics 365

A Super Simple Way to Speed up your Credit Application Process inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales CRM

by | Mar 13, 2018 | Microsoft Dynamics 365

The Credit Application Processor add-on by Azamba

Oftentimes, when a salesperson is ready to put an order through or receives a PO for a prospect, they have to contact the accounting department and ask accounting to process a credit application for the potential customer.

Getting accounting involved like this can be really cumbersome, so what we’ve done is create the Credit Application Processor add-on to make that process a little more streamlined.

In this video, I’ll be demonstrating how the Credit Application Processor works, and how it can reduce errors and save you time—and headaches!—on your credit applications.

You can follow along below:

As you can see in the video, I have an account called ABC Skiing Jams inside of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. We’ve created a “Ready for Credit App” process that is visible on each account record. So when we’re ready to promote ABC Skiing Jams to our accounting system, we can keep track of the entire process or flow inside of Dynamics rather than just sending accounting an email, which we all know can get lost or forgotten. All a sales person needs to do is change the “Ready for Credit App” to Yes.

The accounting department has a list of accounts that are ready for credit app displayed on their dashboard. When accounting sees that there’s an account populated in their dashboard, they can simply go to the record, process the credit app, and then flag it as “Credit App Sent.”

Your salespeople can also have a dashboard element that’s showing them all accounts that are ready for a credit application and have not been processed, and also those accounts that are ready for a credit application and have been processed, therefore notifying sales which credit applications are complete, and which sales they can proceed with.


Ready to streamline your credit application process?

The Credit Application Processor is available as part of our Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Productivity Bundle!

The caliber of your customer service is one of the best ways to differentiate an Internet Age businesses. Quality matters. Response time matters. Speed matters.

A good customer service experience can solidify a customer relationship, creating a loyal, long-term customer. A poor one can end that relationship, and sometimes even poison your online reputation for future prospects.

The last thing you want to do is sour a customer relationship early on with an overly long credit application process. The Credit Application Processor ensures you get new customers onboarded quickly and painlessly, ensuring your new relationship starts off on the right foot.

The Customer Service Productivity Bundle by Azamba is available for standalone purchase, or free to OnTrack Premium and Preferred customers!

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Mariam Florio is the director of CRM implementation at Azamba. She helps new users get up-and-running with their CRM solutions, and experienced users get more out of their systems.

Mariam has been a consultant in the software space for 16 years, and has spent the last 11 focused exclusively on CRM. She delivers intelligence, friendliness, and efficiency in every customer interaction.

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