It’s a mystery.

Imagine that you’re a traveler. You are on a journey through an unfamiliar environment, with no map and only a flashlight to guide you.

On this journey, you must find items of significant value.

If you don’t find them, your journey ends in failure.

Now imagine that in your bag is a map showing you where all the items are. Except that you don’t know that you have the map, and the contents of the bag are so numerous and varied that you would be unlikely to find the map unless you were told it was there.

If this sounds far-fetched, it isn’t.

The traveler on the journey is every Microsoft partner.

The journey is growing sales.

The items are opportunities.

The map is Microsoft Cloud Ascent data. This report (map, if you will) is a detailed snapshot of your customer base and where each of them are on their digital transformation path, segmented by how likely they are to buy Microsoft solutions. It’s right there in Partner Center. It’s free.

A big part of our engagement with Microsoft partners is in the initial walkthrough of that data with them. As a Microsoft Dynamics CRM-focused business, it’s natural that we would see the value in this.

But this report covers ALL the Microsoft stack.

Azure? Check.

Modern Work? Check

Biz Apps? Check.

And the rest.

Not sure how to start? Just reach out to us. We’ll take 30 minutes to go through it with you. We think it will be a real eye opener and help you get a strong start in 2024.

And remember. Using a P2P motion and partnering with Azamba and companies like us will enable you to access the spend in solutions that you may not be specialized in.

Let’s take 30 minutes and uncover a world of opportunities.

patrick nantel headshot

Patrick Nantel

Patrick Nantel is Director of Partner Sales at Azamba, helping partners quickly capitalize on the opportunities in front of them.