In the debate over tech generalists vs tech specialists, specialists often rule the day. 

But that doesn’t mean that an MSP must stay in their corner while all the other business goes by. 

P2P is a business approach that stresses working collaboratively with other specialized partners to create a great customer experience. 

At Azamba, we’ve built our whole business on P2P. So much so, that over 95% of our business goes through partners. 

We know what P2P does for Azamba. But what does it mean for our partners? Here are some of the things that P2P does for them. 

Access to new revenue 

Many (if not most) CRM projects are handled by specialized consultancies that do not do P2P. End result is that all that business goes right by the incumbent partner. Partnering with Azamba removes that barrier to the revenue. 

Increased Business Relevance 

Business relationships are based on value. Proposing a point business solution that can generate positive outcomes for the customer is the best way to make that relationship stickier. 

No Increased Headcount 

Because you are partnering with another organization who are experts in their field, you do not have to invest in new specialist headcount. There is a free lunch after all! 

No Additional Work 

A good partnering organization will take care of the whole sales, implementation, and success motions. There is no work needed from the partner’s point of view. 

P2P is the natural way to extend your capabilities without the hassle of new certs and headcount while also getting that annuity business.

patrick nantel headshot

Patrick Nantel

Patrick Nantel is Director of Partner Sales at Azamba, helping partners quickly capitalize on the opportunities in front of them.